Saturday, 1 January 2011

count down

we have entered the final countdown... to our baby boy's arrival!

time has really flown by, it was only yesterday that we found out that we were expecting, that i was so proud of how big my bump was and then it got bigger... and bigger... my bump is so large now that it really could win against the watermelons in a fresh produce competition!

i am so excited - not only about our baby's arrival but about the actual act of birthing him. i know, it sounds crazy but it's true. i have always wanted a natural birth, completely natural with no meds. yes, no pain medication. just natural pain management and everything happening as it was designed to.

we were really lucky in discovering genesis clinic, a natural birthing centre or active birth unit. the funny thing is that nico had discovered genesis way before we even started thinking of having babies - i saved the link on delicious in the beginning of july 2009 and i am quite sure that nico had found the site before that. then we completely forgot about the whole thing by the time we were actually pregnant. thankfully we were reminded about it by my sister, who's friend was going to birth there. i remember driving around the suburbs with my sister in a bid to get my little nephew to fall asleep - all whilst chatting about pregnancy and babies.

being at a place that you're comfortable with is so important for labour. i love the atmosphere at genesis. i love the beautiful treed suburb. i'm looking forward to birthing in an environment where natural birth is accepted as the norm and where i'll have freedom to move about and birth the way it feels most natural to me.

there is so much excitement, and yet we are so relaxed. baby's room is ready, the bags have been packed and have been in the car since thursday. things are progressing well between baby and i. his head has been down and engaged nicely, i have been dilating with practice runs of contractions for a week now. we are actually totally prepared, even bored with nothing to do after months of shopping and trying to get everything done in time.

and now it's only a matter of time...