Friday, 28 June 2013

Amélie and the Five teeth

Doesn't that title lend itself to a story? Something like...

One day, today in fact, Mama (that's me) noticed that Amélie was cutting her fifth tooth, the left lateral incisor. She was rather surprised as Amélie had just cut her right lateral incisor the day before...

Anyway, enough of that...

Amélie and the five teeth

So now Amélie has five teeth! They are: both bottom central incisors, the top left central incisor, and the two bottom lateral incisors. It also looks like her top right central incisor is going to make an appearance soon... Perhaps tomorrow! :) The Boston Children's Hospital has a great image showing the names of the milk teeth along with when they appear.

I remember Arnan also teethed quite quickly, although I never made a note of it I think he had almost all his milk teeth before the age of 1.

Thankfully Amélie is a rather happy teether and is not grumpy for long. I did give her Nurofen today because the niggling teeth seemed to be keeping her from napping. I've also been rubbing Prodol on her gums just to try ease the discomfort. Other than gnawing on everything she can find I wouldn't really know that she was teething!


@anitaboxoza said...

Firstly I didn't know you had a blog and secondly what happened to the baby you had not so long ago, surely this is not her??? Gosh she is getting big way too quickly!

victoire said...

Thank you Anita for your comment! It got lost in the moderation ether but I just found it now. Yes, I have been blogging (or trying to) for a very long time :) Amelie is getting big so quickly, I can hardly believe it myself!